During the month of July, LGBT couples from across five cities in Mississippi will stand up for marriage equality by applying for a marriage license as part of the WE DO Campaign. You can read the story of one the couples below as told by Candy.
If I had not needed a babysitter for my youngest girls, Annalisa(10) and Bryanna(9), I never would have met the most wonderful woman in the world. I had asked the manager of our apartment complex if they knew of anyone in the complex that would watch children and they introduced me to Sabrina. We became friends and my girls just loved her. After 3 months of knowing each other, our feelings had grown much stronger and we have been head over heels in love with each other ever since.

Sabrina proposed on my birthday with a ring placed on top of whipped cream on french toast December 2, 2012. Unfortunately, we live in a state where same-sex marriage is illegal and trying to get to a state that would allow it is financially difficult. Participating in the WE DO Campaign is an opportunity to stand up for our right to be married in our home state. It is disturbing that although we are Mississippi taxpayers, registered voters, can serve on a jury, have children enrolled in public school, yet cannot have the right to be married to our best friend, to legally show our commitment to each other as we raise a family together.