I got a really nice message from a friend who said that running a marathon is a brave thing to do. On my run this morning – an easy pace in Central Park, crisp blue sky, birds, squirrels, all that was missing was Bambi – itoccurred to me that there is nothing brave at all about marathoning. Vain, maybe. Self-indulgent by all means. But brave? About as brave as buying new lipstick.
Now the best thing about the NY marathon is having half a million loudmouth strangers line the streets and cheer you on until they’re hoarse. Please be that loudmouth stranger now on behalf of the CSE. It’s not just about the money: it sends a message that you’re out there cheering these couples on from afar when they walk into those courthouses, and that does mean an awful lot. For those of you who would like to support CSE, but are too broke at the moment (I know how it is, trust me), please consider this: